Modeling Aggregate Demand by Elements and ‘Keynesian Cross’ for The Modern Economy of Ukraine
(original language – Russian)

The majority of models for macroeconomic dynamics are based on the assumption of equilibrium for investigated macrosystems, in particular, on the assumption of equality for aggregate demand and aggregate supply. The authors, using quantitative methods, once again prove that real macrosystems are usually disequilibrial. The linear models for elements of aggregate demand in Ukraine are built in the paper, they are the basis for identification of aggregate demand dependence on aggregate supply for the period 2001–2011 years. The main tool is a regression modelling worked out using Microsoft Excel. The analysis of the dependence of individuals’ needs on the gross output is performed. AD-AS model and ‘Keynesian Cross’ are built for the contemporary economy of Ukraine. It’s proved that during the analysed period, the aggregate demand mainly outpaced the aggregate supply (except a while of starting the economic crisis). There are given some conclusions for managing macroeconomic disequilibrium.

Key words: aggregate demand, aggregate supply, regression modelling, macroeconomic disequilibrium, Keynesian Cross.

Placed in №1, 2013.

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