Analysis of Ecodestructive Phenomena that Threaten Sustainability of Production Systems and Industrial Zones
(original language – Russian)

The essence of environmentally dangerous events – disasters are considered in the article. The classification of disasters on different grounds is doing. Within this classification the urbanized, the natural and the socio-economic environments and its components are analysed. In the article we systematized the sources and factors of impact of natural disasters specific to industrial zones. The systematization of parameters of influence industrial accidents/disasters specific to industrial zones is performed. The analysis of the composition, structure and characteristics of the "environmentally dangerous events – the environment" is conducted. New approaches to ensure the safety of the environment and protect the public and tasks that can be solved within the framework of these approaches were suggested. The essence of damage caused ecological disasters to the business environment is also considered.

Key words: industrial zone, environment, natural disasters, sustainable development, loss.

Placed in №1, 2014.

Affiliations: Hrisто A. Krаchunоv,PhD, Associate Professor, Technical University of Varna;
Nікоlay S. Kоrnаzоv,PhD, Doctoral Candidate, Technical University of Varna;
Elena M. Kіndzhakovа,Master degree, Technical University of Varna.

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