Economic and Institutional Analysis of the Consequences Disintegration Processes in the European Union
(original language – Ukrainian)

The effective functioning of the economic and trade associations (unions) recently exposed a serious ordeal for stability under the influence of economic crisis and the new security challenges, among which the most dangerous are military conflicts, uncontrolled migration, terrorism and environmental threats, economic and social conflicts. The negative effects of these factors are transformed, first of all, the disintegration tendencies in trade and economic associations, as exemplified by the withdrawal of Great Britain (known as «Brexit») with the European Union. The article sets out the results of the analysis of economic and institutional consequences – economic, investment, financial, political and social – for the economy of the UK and the European Union. Also the organizational, economic and legal priorities for implementation of the necessary procedures for the release of Great Britain from the European Union as a common market are identified

Key words: assets, employment, investments, capital, tax, market, rate.

Placed in №4, 2016.

Affiliations: VIKTOR V. SABADASH, C.Sc. (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Business-Administration, Sumy State University, Vice Director of Research Institute for Development Economics (IDE), Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Academy of Science of Ukraine;
VALERIIA V. HAVRYLOVA, Student of Balatsky Academic and Scientific Institute of Finance, Economics and Management, Sumy State University

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