I.V. Minakova, S.V. Prassolov, A.A. Burdeinyi
Some features and problems of regional development of modern Russia
(original language – Russian)

Dynamics of modern social and economic development of Russia is investigated. It is established that, despite influence of world financial crisis, the strong differentiation in development as regions, and federal districts as a whole remains. It is established that change of territorial proportions in favour of in the lead regions in many respects has grown out of a rise in prices for a mineral-source of raw materials, first of all, on oil and the gas, incomes defining growth in regions. Formation of two basic centres of economic growth – in Uralsk and Central federal districts in which advantage there is a manufacture and population redistribution became result of such development.

Key words: social and economic development, spatial development, regional differentiation, investment processes, interbranch differentiation of incomes, social policy.

Placed in №1, 2011.

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