Theoretical aspects of synergetic model formulation in the economic systems innovative-investment development
(original language – English)

Different approaches to the interpretation of the category "investment" and "innovation" have been presented and evaluated in this article. The basic characteristics and particular qualities of investigated definition have been mentioned. The article shows that the basis of theoretical understanding of the investment and innovation process is showing of any economic system as a complex open system, which allows to use the principles of synergetic campaign for the development of effective models of transition systems from one state to another, qualitatively new state, and also makes it possible to search for universal principles of self-organization and evolution of complex economic systems. The author of the article suggests the model which allows describing qualitatively the self-consistent evolutionary action of investment and innovation processes of economic systems. In the framework of the adiabatic approximation shows the solution of the model, corresponding to the equation of the Landau-Khalatnikov synergy potential coincides with a similar potential for the usual Lorentz system.

Key words: the economic system, investment, innovation, category, model.

Placed in №1, 2013.

Affiliations: Lyulyov Oleksii Valentynovych, C.Sc. (Economics), Senior Teacher of Department of Economics and Business Administration, Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine;
Palienko Maksim Valerievich, Ph.D., teacher of practical classes on quantum mechanics at The University of Insubria, Como, Italy.

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