The Development of Production Potential of Engineering Enterprises in Conditions of Unstable Market Environment
(original language – Ukrainian)

The paper investigates the theoretical foundations of production potential development, and discuss the basic components, that form the production potential of machine building enterprises. The production potential of a firm is seen as a productive position, which takes into account all economic relations and participation of available resources in the production process for the achievement of potentially possible output. The paper analyses the external environment as a factor of the indirect impact on the activity and the development of production potential of the engineering complex of Ukraine. It is performed the analysis of the macro-surrounding environment of the industrial enterprises on the basis of PEST-analysis. The last considered political, economic, social and technological factors. The article provides a recommendation about the impact of the unstable macro-surroundings on the activities of engineering companies. It is proposed practical measures that could potentially increase the production potential of the machine-building enterprises of national economy. Among the factors that have a significant impact on the productive capacity of engineering enterprises were underlined: unstable external and internal markets, lack of investment resources, worsening of tightness of cooperation between enterprises of related industries within the national economy

Key words: production potential, macro-surroundings, investment strategy, engineering, development strategy.

Placed in №3, 2015.

Affiliations: OLEKSANDR V. KUBATKO, C.Sc. (Economics), Associated Professor, Department of Economics and Business-Administration, Sumy State University;
VITALIY L. AKULENKO, C.Sc. (Economics), Associated Professor, Director of Shostka Institute of Sumy State University;
ANDRII A. ISKAKOV, Student of Faculty of Economics and Management, Sumy State University

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