Inna I. Strelchenko
Features of the Financial Markets Behavior of Countries with Different Level of Economic Development in Crisis and Post-crisis Periods
(original language – Ukrainian)

This paper analyzed the statistics of the International Monetary Fund for a sample of 30 countries with the aim of assessing the level of similarity in the dynamics of macroeconomic indicators (GDP, exchange rate of national currency; part of the international investment position, which characterizes the external liabilities of residents to non-residents; foreign exchange reserves; the value of government bonds) during the global financial crisis and throughout the post-crisis period. To quantify the observed changes, was calculated coefficient of rank concordance Kendall for equal periods of time. Was conducted a comparative analysis of the results for the group of advanced economies and developing countries. Found significant differences in the reactions of each economic system to sharp structural changes in the financial sector by external shocks.

Key words: financial crisis, macroeconomic indicators, classification, grade, rank coefficient of concordance.

Placed in №2, 2017.

Affiliations: INNA I. STRELCHENKO, C.Sc. (Economics), Associate Professor,DSc Candidate, Department of Economic and Mathematical Modeling State Higher Educational Establishment «Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman»

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