Oleksandr V. Kubatko, Andrii A. Iskakov
The Concept of Resource Conservation in the Context of Providing Ecological and Economic Security of the National Economy
(original language – Ukrainian)

The main approaches to understanding the concept of resource conservation were investigated and the authors’ vision of the essence of the concept in the context of providing ecological and economic security was proposed in the article. The dynamics of implementation of innovations at industrial enterprises of Ukraine in 2010–2015 was analyzed and it was determined that the share of implemented low-waste, non-waste and resource-conserving technological processes tended to decrease. The authors highlighted a number of factors restraining the activity in the sphere of resource saving, in particular: insufficient state financing of research and development work, lack of funds at enterprises for implementation of projects, imperfection of the legal field and weak management level at industrial enterprises. The article proposes a number of normative-legal and organizational-technical measures, which, in opinion of the authors, stimulate the subjects of management to conduct resource-conserving activity. Among the main events that have a significant impact on the state of resource conservation in the country the authors highlighted: the application of tax and credit privileges; the conclusion of international treaties on the transfer of resource-conserving technologies and the foundation of international organizations for experience exchange; establishment of resource efficiency indicators at sectoral level; monitoring and analysis of statistical reporting.

Key words: resource conservation, national economy, ecological and economic security, innovation, efficiency.

Placed in №4, 2017.

Affiliations: OLEKSANDR V. KUBATKO, C.Sc. (Economics), Doctoral Student of Department of Economics and Business-Administration, Sumy State University;
ANDRII A. ISKAKOV, Postgraduate Student of Department of Economics and Business-Administration, Sumy State University

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