Svitlana Y. Kulakova
Strategic Priorities of the Development of Oil and Gas Complex of Ukraine
(original language – English)

The oil and gas complex has big significance for Ukrainian and European economies and has the biggest influence on sustainable economic growth, social development and active cooperation in Europe. The energy safety of the country is affected by the crises in oil market, and that factors influence upon all industries. The modern complicated and unstable conditions of functioning demand improved concepts, approaches, methods and tools in the field of strategic decision-making towards high performance and sustainability of an entity. The paper is aimed at presenting the author’s view on strategic management of oil and gas complex of a country. The strategic key points and content of these processes are specified for the oil and gas industry of Ukraine.

Key words: strategy, strategic management, oil and gas complex, strategic key point.

Placed in №4, 2017.

Affiliations: Svitlana Y. Kulakova, C.Sc. (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of business economics and human resource management, Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University, Poltava.

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