Nadiya V. Roshchina, Natalya O. Chernenko
Implementation of the “Blue Ocean” Strategy in the Agrarian Sector of Ukraine
(original language – Ukrainian)
Ukrainian position in the world agrarian market and the reasons for its extensive development are analyzed in the article. The experience of Japanese agrarian policy, which it is expedient to use for creation and development of rural industrial infrastructure of Ukraine and also stimulation of agricultural research work is considered in the article. The authors point out that a “Blue oceans” are a new spheres and unknown areas of the market. Instead of that, a “Red oceans” have defined and agreed the boundaries of the industry and the rules of competition have been known a long time. Therefore, companies from the “Red Territory” are trying to crowd out competitors in order to obtain a large part of their demand. Over time, the market becomes tighter, opportunities for growth and profit decline, begins a fatal competition that pours the ocean in red. There is no competition in the “blue oceans”, so they give an opportunity to grow and make a profit. A creative approach is required for the development of the blue oceans, usually they arise inside the “red ocean”, that extends the boundaries of the industry. This strategy is relevant for the modern sphere of forecasting threats in the agrarian sector, it aims to find a new, rather than studying and developing the old one, was mention in the article. Particular attention to the theoretical aspects of applying the “blue ocean” strategy as an instrument of strategic success in the agrarian sector has been analyzed. The main advantages of applying the proposed strategy are analyzed. The adequate attitude to the process of implementation of strategic guidelines at the present stage of economic relations requires from the enterprise` management understanding of the strategic logic both: “red” and “blue” oceans, was shown by the authors. Also the advantages of the implementation “the blue ocean strategy” has been shown in the article. The implementation of the presented strategy proved that Ukraine has an opportunity to maintain its competitive advantage and create a separate demand for IT products in the agricultural sector, has been proved as a result of the study.

Key words: “red ocean”, “blue ocean”, strategy, agrarian sector, competition, market niche, system of strategic management.

Placed in №2, 2018.

Affiliations: NADIYA V. ROSHCHINA, C.Sc. (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics, National technical university of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute";
NATALYA O. CHERNENKO, C.Sc. (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of International economics, National technical university of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute"

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