Eugene V. Milovanov
The Best World Practices of Organic Agricultural Production State Support and Prospects for Ukraine
(original language – Ukrainian)
The article highlights the basic prerequisites for the needs to implement state support for organic production in the world. The analysis of the European experience in the supporting organic agriculture has been carried out and the main directions of financial support under the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU have been highlighted. The main budgetary allocations of the EU for the transition to environmental and climate practices and organic agriculture in the framework of the CAP program are presented. The main approaches to stimulate and develop organic production in the most developed countries of the Globe are considered with the view to determine priorities for Ukraine. It was established that subsidies for organic agriculture in developed countries at one time gave extremely important impetus for the development of this agricultural production direction, which ultimately led to significant success in the sphere of environmental conservation, mitigation of climate change impacts, health protection, rural areas development and protection of consumers' rights. It is noted that the numerous advantages of organic agriculture make us think about the prospects for the development of global agriculture as one of the key factors for influencing the future of the next generations. The domestic experience of financial and organizational and legal support of the organic sphere at the state and regional levels for the formation of areas for improvement has been analyzed. The necessity of not only direct financial state support, but also active educational, research and organizational support together with representatives of the active community and business was proved. The necessity of the systematic approach to stimulate development the domestic organic sphere to ensure the sustainability of the agricultural sector of Ukraine is substantiated. It is established that the policy of support of the organic in our country is not yet characterized by high level of systematization and consistency, but important initial steps have been taken in the areas of organizational, legal and financial support for organic production.

Key words: organic agriculture, state support, subside, international experience, organic production, sustainable development.

Placed in №2, 2018.

Affiliations: EUGENE V. MILOVANOV, C.Sc. (Economics), President of the Organic Federation of Ukraine

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