Oleksandr M. Matsenko, Tetyana V. Gorobchenko, Elizaveta D. Solodova, Olena M. Tkachenko
Statistical Analysis of Economic Dynamics: the Paradox of a Crooked Mirror
(original language – Ukrainian)

With help of artistic allegorical images and real statistics, the socio-economic position of Ukraine is reflected. Attention has been paid to the problems of reactionary administrative and managerial actions and their possible final – complete regression in achieving innovative development. This situation actualizes the search for new effective management methods aimed at the best way out of the tangled labyrinth of inaction to a competitive level of the country's economy. On a parallel comparison of Ukraine's economic indicators with other countries, the real situation of Ukraine is shown. The comparison was conducted in three stages: with a group of countries in Western Europe, with neighboring countries and African countries. It turned out that in fact the Ukrainian economy needs urgent transformation and modernization. Strong catalysts are proposed to solve the problems associated with unsatisfactory trends in the prospects for the development of the national economy. The main directions of development of the national economy include: improving the well-being and competitiveness of human capital as the main catalyst for economic growth; transition from a “raw” economy to an innovative one through the deep processing of natural resources and agricultural raw materials and, as a result, the greatest possible value of added value and an increase in the share of exports of intellectual products; harmonious integration of institutional, social, economic and environmental spheres to achieve sustainable development; activation of the processes of implementation of elements of the digital economy into the agrarian-industrial one. All economic processes today require digitization in order to increase the level of economic transparency. These directions are designed to improve the social and economic situation and increase the investment attractiveness of the national economy.

Key words: economy, dynamics, gross domestic product, innovation, human capital, digital economy.

Placed in №2, 2018.

Affiliations: OLEKSANDR M. MATSENKO, C.Sc. (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration, Sumy State University;
TETYANA V. GOROBCHENKO, Junior researcher of the Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration, Sumy State University;
ELIZAVETA D. SOLODOVA, Student, Balatsky Academic and Scientific Institute of Finance, Economics and Management, Sumy State University;
OLENA M. TKACHENKO, Student, Balatsky Academic

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