Oleksandr M. Matsenko, Tetiana М. Malanchuk, Vladyslav S. Popov, Vladyslav S. Piven, Evhenyi O. Skrypka
Economic and Legal Bases of Using Car-Sharing Business Models in Ukraine
(original language – English)

This article summarizes the concept of sharing, bibliographic analysis of publications in the field of car-sharing based on the Scopus database. The primary purpose of the study is to study the economic and legal basis for the development of car-sharing business models in Ukraine. Systematization of literature sources and approaches devoted to the economic efficiency of the implementation of car-sharing business models has shown that in Ukraine, this issue is almost not paid attention in the economic, scientific sphere, and legal, scientific areas. The urgency of solving this scientific problem lies in the need and ability to relieve road traffic from traffic jams, reducing the average downtime of vehicles, as well as economic benefits for entities (vehicle owners and passengers) involved in sharing business models.
The research has the following logical sequence: the types of car-sharing business models were analyzed, and their comparative characteristics were carried out; the economic and legal preconditions of car-sharing business development in Ukraine are investigated. The research identifies legislative obstacles to the establishment of a car-sharing company in Ukraine. A SWOT analysis of the conditions for implementing a car-sharing business model in Ukraine was performed. It analyses the costs and efficiency of creating a business based on a car-sharing business model in Ukraine on a conditional example.
We propose to use system-structural and comparative analysis to analyze the problems of modern transport, methods of formal-logical analysis for determining the directions of development of car-sharing business models, and economic method for assessing the effect and a payback period of the proposed project car-sharing business model. The study results can be useful for the development of car-sharing business in Ukraine, for entrepreneurs, scientists, and vehicle owners.

Key words: car-sharing, car sharing business model, car-sharing business, motor transport, hire, expenses, analysis.

Placed in №1, 2020.

Affiliations: Oleksandr M. Matsenko, C.Sc. (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration, Sumy State University;
Tetyana V. Malanchuk, C.Sc. (Economics), Associate Professor of the International, European and Civil Law Department, Sumy State University;
Vladyslav S. Popov, Student, Oleg Balatskyi Academic and Research Institute of Finance, Economics and Management, Sumy State University;
Vladyslav S. Piven, Student, Oleg Balatskyi Aca

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